Saturday, March 14, 2015

Moleskin March Madness

'Sup, guys. I need to get this off my chest, so I apologize in advanced if I come off as "preachy." (Is that the right word?) Anyways...

I'm very blessed to have a job in my field, and I'm hoping to start off an awesome career as a printer and graphics artist. I've been through quite the battlefield, but I knew that the Lord will guide me through this struggle. I'm seeing some of my peers get right into work after graduation, but before proceeding to grad school, and they've been posting their frustrations about not landing a job. It has been a year and a half since I left undergrad, and I want to say to you: IT WILL GET BETTER. JUST KEEP MOVING FORWARD. DON'T YOU DARE STOP. I PROMISE YOU.

And now, speaking of moving forward...

Since I've started my new job, I now make more income, which means I can FINALLY save for grad school. But that will still have to wait on the shelf since I have a wedding to plan. AND YES! I can also FINALLY save up for a wedding! Yay! Tony (my fiancé) and I will finally seal the deal sometime in spring. Exciting stuff is happening!

Not only does more income come with the new job, I have plenty of time to draw! Well, I do most of my drawing now at work. Ha ha ha! At my job, I work with a really slow digital printer, so while I wait for it to finish a run, I can smuggle in some doddling. 

Here are some works I've been doing since January:

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