Friday, June 30, 2017

Episode Prompto!

Prompto surrounded by sunflowers, 2017, ink and tones on paper
In celebration of Final Fantasy XV's release of the Episode Prompto DLC, I've decided to go back to my drawing of Prompto and spruced it up a bit! I'm very proud of it. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Sunday, June 4, 2017

New, scary, and exciting stuff for the remainder of 2017! Mainly scary!!

Greetings, everyone!

I just wanted to make a quick post about new things I will be coming up with. As you can see, I edited the layout of my blog (yes, again lmao) to make it a little more "general audience."  But no worries, a lot of my posts are still NSFW!!! So for new eyes, I make A LOT of work that is for a mature audience. A lot of my work has nudity and blood.  Maybe in the near future, I will post my 18+ work (yes, hentai 💦). Just a warning!!

Anyways, so the NEWS:

- a account! I've had a twitch account forever actually, but I mainly used it to watch other artists livestream. So... I've decided to try it out! Why not? I will be experimenting more with digital art programs, like CLIP STUDIO PAINT, and I will also be filming myself making traditional drawings and paintings as well. I'm excited but also scared shitless for this one. 😰 Heh heh. WARNING: I have the mouth of a sailor LMAO. So yes prepare for quite an earful of a "colorful" vocabulary. Also, the art featured will have NSFW themes.

- PATREON! Yes, I have now made a Patreon account. I want to get the ball rolling on a couple of short story comics I've been brainstorming and writing for the past year. I'm pretty busy with my day job (printing/graphic design) and commissions and personal work for local businesses (Video Game Rescue and GAAM), and I'm hoping to squeeze in some comic making time. The prints, postcards, shirts, and stickers I've produced using money out of my own pocket, and I would like to produce books, but they ARE EXPENSIVE. By making a Patreon, I'm hoping you guys (the fans!) would support me in making/publishing my comics. For a small contribution, you would get a sneak peek as well as exclusive art that won't be available on here or my other blogs. My short stories project won't start till after the summer. WARNING: The comics will be mature themed, preferably for an 18+ audience.

- Conventions! Yes, I've finally got off my ass and have applied to a couple of conventions (only in Florida). Some of them are juried based, and others are first-come-first-served based, so I will have to wait a while till I hear anything from them. Once I am confirmed for participating in a con's Artist Alley, I will post on all of my social media of where I'm appearing. You can finally get something from me in person. I have social anxiety, so I hope that doesn't turn you guys away!! ^^; If things go well, I would like to participate at cons regularly.

My online store will have new prints coming soon. The Nakoruru piece will be holographic! So dope!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Manananggal, 2017, ink on paper

The Manananggal is a vampire-like creature of the Philippines, a scary, malevolent monster usually depicted as female. It is capable of separating its upper torso from the body, and sprouting large wings to fly in search of victims. Their victims of choice are sleeping, pregnant women, and the manananggal uses its long, proboscis-like tongue to penetrate through the victim's bellybutton and feed on the fetus.

To kill a manananggal, one must find the lower part of its body, the legs, and sprinkle salt, garlic, or ash on it, and by sunrise the monster will perish. In some parts of the Visayan region, to defend against the manananggal, you can can create a whip out of the tails of sting rays and use it against the monster.