Saturday, March 25, 2017


Palum, 2017, ink and tone
This is the finalized 2017 version of Palum, my very first Dungeons and Dragons (yeah, yeah I know) character. She is a half elf, wolflord-druid who likes pastries and red light districts. Her best friends are Nathiir, a drow (former??) fighter who ran away from Menzoberranzan and currently lives her life on the surface world as a stripper, and Ciampi, a gnome Gondsman fashionista whose family is a notorious gang (disguised as a high guild) back in her homeland Lantan.

I used ink and screen tone for this drawing. It's my first time using the tones for a drawing. It was nerve wrecking, and I definitely learned a lot from working with this material. It was a challenge to edit on Photoshop as well, because the dots can mess me up. I think I am pretty content with the final product.

She is my baby, and every year I do a drawing of Palum. I'm thinking about drawing the other D&D characters I've created. That will be an interesting series to do.

Palum may become a sticker later this year.

Check out more of the WIP videos I posted of her on my Instagram!

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