Okay, so I keep making promises to myself that I would chill out on social media, but let's be honest: this shit is not happening. HAHAHA So here's my "let's sit down and just BLOG" moment I haven't had in a good while. It's actually a nice feeling just typing on an actual keyboard using my fingers and laying in my bed doing so, rather than tap tap tap with my thumbs and I'm in a social setting and everything's hectic and my husband is begging me to go get burgers and my friends ranting that they bent their favorite Magic the Gathering card.
*deep exhales*
I've been driving myself insane with drawing. EXP Con is so fucking soon and even though I know I have a decent amount of merch, I still feel it's not enough. This is my first time selling at a con to be honest, and I really do not know what to expect. My anxiety is bugging the shit out of me, telling me I will fail miserably at this, but I'm not letting Ursula (that's my anxiety's name now lol) shitting on my parade. I worked so hard for this, dropped a lot of money and time and effort on producing merchandise. I have quite a decent following online, and I hope to build it IRL. I'm excited about who I'm gonna meet and see and make happy with my work. I made patches, zines, prints, pins, and stickers... I hope to God that I make at least ONE sale. Just one will make my day.
Reminder: EXP Con is October 27th through the 29th at the World Gold Village in St. Augustine, Florida.
Next up on my event list: I was invited to participate in an art show for Jacksonville's Filipino Pride Day! It is a one-day exhibit at the Jacksonville Landing. I'm pretty excited about that. The Filipino pride festival is Saturday, October 7th. That's so close too! Holy shit...
Finally in December I will also be a vendor at Mandarin Mini Con on Saturday, December 2nd. I will be doing a small table there, selling my usual merch.
That's all I have for now!