Saturday, October 25, 2014

Get Inky With It!

So yesterday was Blocktoberfest, and it was awesome. I am so happy to participate this year. At first I was a little embarrassed that I wasn't a student, and everyone's like, "Why are you here?!" But at the same time they were glad to see a graduate work among them. *ha ha ha*

I got to meet up with old friends, made new ones, and I even had a couple interviews. I can't believe my former professor decided to throw me into the cameras like that! My interviews mainly consisted of me describing my piece, and I probably sounded like a complete ding dong. ^^;;; I tried to talk about the 2d, indie horror game feel, but the interviewer had no fricking idea of what I was talking about, hahaha

I got completely covered in ink, and this stuff will not wash off in a couple of days. I'm flying out to Puerto Rico tomorrow for a family emergency, and I will be meeting my new family... with black ink-stained arms and hands. "Yep! I'm the artist your grandson will be marrying!" Hey, the dark fingers can make my engagement ring stand out.

Speaking of Puerto Rico, it will be my first time visiting. I am pretty excited. I will try to keep up with a "doodle diary," and I will definitely be sharing that when I get back.

Marker doodle and sketch on rice paper, 2014

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